A patched together lifestyle of thrift and charm...

Jul 13, 2014

Too Much Spinach? Freeze It....

A recent grocery store purchase for me was this huge box of organic spinach - 
for $1.99.  It was almost the only 'greens' option to I bought it. 
(I shop a discount grocery store and have to take what is available on that day.)  

But this is too much for just the 2 of us.
 Thankfully, I stumbled upon the idea that I could freeze some of it.  

So the 'extra' got a good washing...

Then a quick 20 second or so dip in boiling water 
(to blanch it and keep it from discoloring)...

Then another quick dip - this time in cold water...

Then drained.

All ready for the freezer and future recipes...

And a fringe benefit - that big plastic container is
 helping to organize my under sink detergents.  
Yes, it was that big!
Always thrifty!

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