A patched together lifestyle of thrift and charm...

Aug 25, 2011

Pretty Jars. Labels & Salsa...

There are no prettier jars than those that contain freshly canned produce.  Today - for the first time ever - 
I canned me some homemade salsa...
I already had the tomatoes and a friend gave me some 
hot peppers.  All I bought were 2 green peppers 
(mine didn't produce this year.) 
How's that for thrifty?

And look - Ball still makes pretty lids...
The other day when I went to open my worcestershire sauce - 
I was struck by the beauty of the packaging.  
Lea and Perrins knows how to do it.  
Could be why they've been around since1855.  
I seriously did not want to destroy that lovely wrapping!

Thanks to these companies for making our kitchen chores 
just a bit more enjoyable.

1 comment:

Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

Homemade salsa....mmmmmm. Do you eat it with tortilla chips or do you make other dishes with it? Chicken and salsa in a crock pot is yummy!


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