A patched together lifestyle of thrift and charm...

Jun 19, 2014

Homemade - Always A Great Gift Idea...

Looking for a gift idea that's personal, won't be the wrong color 
or style, and you know will be appreciated?  
Think a homemade food item.  Why homemade?
  Because homemade takes a little time - which speaks care and love!   
And I have the perfect food suggestion for you...

... cheesecake!  There are so many kinds and recipe options out there... 
lemon, New York, Oreo, chocolate, pumpkin, etc., etc., etc.   
You could make a different one every year for a
 birthday and be good to go for years to come!
  Cheesecakes can be made gluten free or sugar free.
  They're not difficult to make - but not everyone has a springform pan.
Any food item that takes a special gadget to make - ie - candy thermometer, 
 tart pan, molds... - makes a great gift.  It's worth investing in at least one!

Deliver on a pretty plate or flat basket (check thrift shops).   
I added a mint and lavender bundle to help dress up my little delivery.  
But you could add a handmade bow, linen strips, etc.
And I  like to keep paper doilies on hand for such occasions.

(I gave cherry pie filling too in a separate container -  didn't want to make 

a big mess on that pretty basket.)

What handmade gift ideas do you have?  
(To any of my soap making friends - now there's
 something I don't make... hint, hint....)

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