A patched together lifestyle of thrift and charm...

Jul 17, 2012

My Quiet Time...

Every day I try to spend some much needed 
time with the Lord. 
 It's a time to hear from Him and talk to Him. 
  Lately I've adopted this area for my morning 
quiet time...
 I use the Beside the Still Waters devotional book.
It is free!  I appreciate the simply written thoughts
 therein.... Thoughts that line up with the sometimes
 unpopular truths of God's word.
(If you'd like to receive this booklet in your own mailbox - go here.)
 My prayer time stems from my prayer list.... 
a list that could be overwhelming.  So I've devised 
a list of 30 categories - one for each day.  
Whatever and whomever God brings to mind in 
that day's category - that's who I pray for!
 It's also here that I spend much time praying &
 fasting for my dear family.  It's here that God gives
 me encouragement, challenges and rebukes
 that are specific to my daily needs.  
Gotta love that about God - how specific and timely He is!
Part of my current daily reading includes searching
 the scriptures to see how Jesus related to people - 
all types of people.  'A friend of sinners' he was
 called.  And so he was.   I am seeing a Jesus who
 befriended those of all classes and reputations. 
He befriended them to teach them - to show them -
 another way of life.  A Way that leads to life with
 Him.  His closest friends however - those he hung
 with - were those who responded to His call and
 chose to follow Him.   
I see an important difference there.
  Today I was struck by these words in my reading... 
Oh my - this life of following Jesus is in no way 
an easy life.  But the reward?  Eternal!!


Unknown said...

Amen to that!

Love in Him


Joy said...

Hi there, Joyce!
This was very meaningful today. Thanks for the encouragement. Sometimes I spend so much morning time in Bible reading/studying and prayer that I almost feel embarrassed, but it's really the most important time in the day.
I recently joined a new online group called "Fellowship of Christian Bloggers". I'd love to invite you to join us in our efforts to further the word of God through our everyday blogging. Not every blog has to be about Jesus or God, but it's the life we live day by day that is our "letter" written by Him, as Paul states.
Anyway, here is the address if you choose to come and visit. http://www.focbonline.com/about.html


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