Behold... some of my thrift shop displays from today...
This 3 tiered piece has been hanging around a while.
The shelves are a little wobbly (it collapses) - so that may be why.
Do you notice the same vessels in these groupings? These have
been in the shop a while too. They came in with their still new and
very pricey tags on. And while we repriced them -
they still seem high-priced to me & probably others.
I keep trying to make them look good so someone can't resist them...
And here's another of those vessels (really cool actually)...
Nothing overly special here in this grouping - just sweet and simple -
trying to work around that tall bouquet which also isn't selling...
And I had room to do a whole new display today...
so I pulled together a red and white vintage kitchen theme.
(There's even more on the back side which I didn't capture.)
Red and white kitchen stuff is always a hit and I can't wait
to see till next week if most of it sold.
Thanks for perusing with me... ~Joyce