I just completed a 2 day thrifting trip with a group of sweet and Godly ladies.
(Sorry, there is not 1 single picture of me. I'll have to do better at that...)
This year we got smart and took along a trailer...
At lunch time - it became our 'picnic table' -
right smack in the middle of a thrift store parking lot...
Someone decided we needed to make a stop at
Sweet Frog in beautiful downtown Lewisburg, PA...
(A frozen yogurt joint - but they have a non dairy option that is wonderful!)
Ten hours of shopping later we arrived at a cabin where we spent the night.
While these pictures are lousy -
I'm including them to prove we did see a bear.
He gave quite the performance and stayed around for a while.
Breakfast on day 2 was buffet style... scrambled eggs and all the trimmings.
We're talking ham, onions, peppers, cheese, pepperoni and salsa for wraps...
Before we hit the shops - we had a morning devotional
on the topic of 'gifts that God has granted to us'.
What preciousness as we went around the table and shared
recent gifts we each noted from the hand of our Father.
An exiciting find on the way home was this lovely
sofa in great condition. Cost? Just $50!
Of course we had to load it ourselves. (not a problem...)
I was intrigued with this beautiful church...
...and then discovered it has been revamped into
luxury apartments called 'The Sanctuary'. Love!!
Our trailer fastly became a key commodity...
These girls knew how to strap 'em in and tie 'em down!
My favorite find of the trip?
70% dark chocolate for 79 cents at a discount grocery store.
(Not what you expected I'm sure.)
I'll share more finds in future posts. But let me just say -
there's nothing like girlfriends and some time away.
Any bargains we found were just a bonus!