A patched together lifestyle of thrift and charm...

Jul 24, 2012

A Miracle Just Happened...

Just in case you could use some good news - 
some very good news - have a peek at this story.  
Petra Johnson was/is one of the shooting victims from the Colorado 
theater shooting.   A bullet entered her brain - read the story.  
Just read it and marvel!
I love hearing about other people's miracles.  
It gives such hope for amazing answers to my prayers...
some of which will require no less than a miracle all their own.   
and for the rest of this story - the mother's story - 
well - LET US PRAY!
While I often don't understand God's ways and 
timing - it remains true that My God is a POWERFUL God!


Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

I have read that story..... AMAZING!!!!!!! God's Grace and power in all of the chaos.

Lisa @ Fern Creek Cottage said...

Thank you for sharing this! Another story that allows us to to marvel at our AWESOME God! He forms us in our mothers womb and takes care of us in ways we don't even know about.


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